Small is Big
Title: Small surprises
A modified atomic force microscopy image of a deposited thin film. It always surprises me that the properties of a material change when its physical dimensions reduce to atomically small. This piece of work is modified from “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dalí because nanotechnology is so surreal to me in terms of time, and space.
Title: Forgetting the big picture
A modified scanning electron microscope (SEM) image. The characters are part of a poem written by a great Chinese poet at the wall of a temple located on a mountain. This sentence means that the beauty of the entire mountain cannot be comprehended when one is inside it (you can't see the forest for the trees). This situation best describes me in research when I miss out the small details and/or forget about the big picture. The answers are always there, but I just fail to notice them.
Clement Yuen
My current job is working as a postdoctoral research fellow and part-time lecturer in the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The main research focus is to realize optical techniques and nano-materials for medical diagnosis. This direction was shaped by the SARS pandemic that happened around my PhD graduation (2004), which made me do something different from my thesis. Other experiences: Founded a one-man company during my cancer treatment and recuperation (now cured); Served in the Singapore Air Force (National service); Hobby: swimming; brisk walk; Hometown: Hong Kong, China.