A project called life
Everything in nature moves through cycles. Cycles of birth, growth, maturity, death and rebirth.
We know that after winter comes spring, and the waiting for it allows us to fully enjoy the last snow. What if we could analyze our project in the same way, understanding that where there is a beginning there will be a peak, a slowing down and an end, which automatically created a new beginning?
Would that change our approach to entrepreneurship. Or life itself?
This study of the cycles of nature in relation to the majestic experience of entrepreneurship is an attempt to direct our vision towards trusting deeply the divine plan while at the same time enriching all phases of human experience through our full participation in the project called: life!
Different systems have faster or slower cycles. A solo entrepreneur can shift direction in 1 day for personal reasons, when a multipl- employees organization might need months and strong reasons to do so. Similarly in nature the cycle of one single day is different from the one of a lifetime of a star or a galaxy. All bigger cycles though include smaller ones, eternally fractal, while all cycles have similar characteristics in their progression.
Zooming in and out according to the understanding of the universal requirements allows us to navigate through the relevant cycles and both prepare and relax into the current phase of our projects, allowing life to pass through our actions, deeply aligning with our inner and outer nature. This project is called life!
A digital art piece by Aliki Kostopoulou, inspired by the Conscious Gems project and the Hekamiah temple of Ibiza.
Aliki Kostopoulou
Aliki is a spiritual entrepreneur, architect and mindfulness advocate. Her experience in large scale construction projects, research on human well-being and interest in altered states of consciousness gave birth to Conscious Gems. Conscious Gems is a grid of home-temples where business, fun, knowledge and ritual collide into contribution to the collective, executed in awareness through the participation of artists of real life.