Evolution of a departure
Evolution of a departure is about fading of life
… weakness and the constant transformation of us as bodies of nature. It is an ephemeral installation in which there is a ruins machine created through electronic and biological devices that replace the natural time through the development of fungal and bacterial activity, which is responsible for creating different and random patterns. The project is about running the cycle of matter in a contemporary way. On one hand, it is to create together with nature, but on the other hand, it is to deconstruct what was created by man.
The artwork is ephemeral. It develops and dies in a specific moment, as life. Each machine/device is an organic matrix of pixels alive made of quadrates of tree leaves. The sum of all , reproduces a pattern generated according to an orange decaying, being the matrix, a magnified image of it.
Ana Laura Cantera
Ana Laura Cantera is a bioelectronic artist and researcher who works with biomaterials and fungi communication through digital information in artistic and robotic projects. She has a Master degree in Electronic Arts at UNTREF University and she is co-foundress of Mycocrea –design with mycelium and being livings, where she studies and works with the intersection between arts and science. She has exhibited her artworks in Argentina, Iran, Mongolia, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Canada, Israel, Iran, France, and Spain. She has received several recognitions and international awards, as the Itaú 1st Prize of Robotic Arts.
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