Breakout session and group conversation led by the BioArt and Design track.
Co-creating the Field of Bio Art 3-tiered session: 1) Setting up a residency program, 2) Connecting Locally w Scientists, 3) Bioarts Community Roundtable and Breakouts on “How to Launch the Creative BioCulture Network” ✓ “Art and Science Residencies”
@Danielle Siembieda , Leonardo/ISAST , San Francisco_
✓How to Connect Locally w Scientists, Building GCBS shared templates
Introduction of “Creative BioCulture” Initiative (Carolyn & Roland) @Carolyn & @Roland van Dierendonck (he/him) - Oslo
✓ Engaging Community/Scientists: Template sharing: (4 min each)
@Paige Perillat Piratoine, Towards Organica, France
“Mapping the process/generating the idea”
@bushra Anjum, Wizkit, Bangladesh
“Biomaking within a community context”
@Thelma Gonzalez, Allbiotech/UNAMI/Spootnik, Mexico
“Failure” & how to research a contact that may help you”
@Eduardo Padilha Antonio, BioliloLab, University of San Paulo, Brazil
“Connecting scientists to artists: Global->Local”
@Heidi Jalkh [she/her] Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sistemas Materiales Groups, Argentina
“Template letter, communicating w scientist about a project proposal”