by LABVA, Heidi Jalkh, Nicolas Hernandez

OVOFILIA is a space for collaborative experimentation that allows exploring new morphological, sensory and narrative possibilities around biomaterial recipes that use eggshells as the main resource.

In the context of ENCUENTRO LOCAL a work in progress of this first version is exhibited: “OVOIDEMACHINA, transforming machine of the everyday”, A series of morphological pieces created from a system of tensions and weights that allow to give new shape to the recipe bioceramics, allowing curves and counter curves, reproducing textures and generating limits and terminations of new sculptural objects.

The resulting geometries are a reflection of the game around different variables: (1) biomaterial recipe -granulometry, density-, (2) Denier of the textile -elasticity and texture resolution-, (3) frame - size and degree of tension of the assembly of the fabric-, and (4) tensioning buttons -button geometry and the force / weight of the tension-. The explorations under this matrix result in unique and irreproducible pieces that give a new value to domestic waste.

OVOIDEMACHINA is a collaborative project with the designer and ceramist Heidi Jalkh and the architect Nicolás Hernandez, with whom different exercises were carried out in analog and digital manufacturing versions to open up replication possibilities at different technological levels.


LABVA / Laboratorio de Biomateriales de Valdivia

The Valdivia Biomaterials Laboratory (Chile) is founded as an independent and self-managed citizen laboratory that seeks to question the materialities that surround us and the culture associated with them. Through a transdisciplinary structure, we promote research, experimentation and prototyping of new materialities as a tool for environmental dissemination and citizen empowerment with a territorial focus.

co-founder and Biofellow 4.0 : María José Besoain _ She is an architect, Master in Landscape and Diploma in Geography. She has a career in landscape, territory and scientific dissemination issues. Her interest is in the creation of native biomaterials through a design methodology driven by biodiversity.

www.labva.org | IG /somoslabva | info@labva.org

Heidi Jalkh / Experimental Designer Biofellow 3.0

Experimental designer, trained in industrial design. She is a specialist in Logic and Technique of Form and holds a master's degree in interdisciplinary research. She also teaches , is the director of the research group Sistemas Materiales and parallel to the academic activities, she continues to run her professional practice, focusing on craft-based processes and the design and manufacture of bio-inspired and bio-based materials.

heidijalkh.com | IG /heidijalkh | heidijalkh@gmail.com

Nicolas Hernandez /

Architect from the University of Chile, with studies in parametric design and BIM modeling. Based in Valdivia, he works in planning, design and construction of buildings for various uses, with an interest in different means of 2D and 3D graphic representation, photography, and digital manufacturing.


