Engaging in Science, art and technology to create interdisciplinary results.We believe that science should be done anywhere and anytime , using equipment found all around you. That's why we created MaterialeX.
MaterialeX stays true to this value by offering 10 recipes , made using basic ingredients and items from a pharmacy , together with local waste streams to shape the next generation of Biomaterials,
The kit also teaches basic chemistry , DIYbio and encourages a talk about eco-innovation whilst being playful and hands on.
In this hands on workshop you’ll lean 3 basic recipes and be able to explore the world of biomaterials from the comfort of your kitchen.
What to bring:
You’ll need access to a kitchen space as well as some basic items such as
Agar powder
Measuring spoon/container
Bicarbonate of soda
Heat source
Spoon for stirring
If you have a blender/ hand blender then that would be great to use too. But bring some food waste such as orange peels, apple cores , coffee grounds, basically anything you have to play with and explore that’s local to you.
Want to ask questions about the workshop: Email makeit@littlepinkmaker.com