by Eileen Ryan
Eileen Ryan
Eileen Ryan is an interdisciplinary artist from northeastern Massachusetts. She incorporates her background in microbiology, art and hospitality to create investigative works about interspecies communication, spiritual microbiomes, and empathy as it relates to human and non-human experiences. Using a process of experimentation and observation, Eileen creates installations, performances and paintings to communicate her concepts to a variety of audiences around the world.
Contact info
Email: enryan.art@gmail.com
Instagram: @sci_witch
CODEX is a project focused on the transcription and interpretation of beetle galleries into a speculative pictographic language.
My hypothesis is that I will uncover patterns that will lead me to interspecies communication awareness. What I have begun uncovering through a variety of translation strategies including AI, metagenomic coding, native science and myth making-- is an outside critique of humanity's role on Earth and the destructive similarities between beetle and man.
The artworks are visualized with a naturalistic aesthetic with attention to how much of the art work will decompose and return to the ground over time.